Tomcats Consulting and Investigations understands what to look for in detecting security weaknesses and is experienced in compiling remediation plans, as well as easily implemented policies and procedures to effectively deal with the weakness in a cost effective manner for the client.

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The primary objective is to provide clients with professional investigations and comprehensive security assessment and consultation services which culminate in recommendations of a realistic & cost effective security solution.


We have extensive investigative experience with the Miami-Dade Police Department. We have worked in numerous investigative assignments as well as coordinating security and logistics during major events such as the NFL SUPERBOWL and MLB WORLD SERIES. We were assigned to the TOMCATS Cargo Crimes Task Force where we investigated cargo related crimes and conduct training to industry and police. Additionally we conducted highly sensitive investigations while assigned to the Organized Crime Section.

Physical Security & Facility Security

We can assist in needs assessment and implementation of physical security counter-measures meant to safeguard personnel, protect assets, prevent unauthorized access & safeguard against third party disruption and interference. This includes recommendations of facility security measures designed to establish a layered defense to deter, delay and respond to intrusions. These services can also include comprehensive security audits, security policy and procedural development, recommendations for facility security upgrades, and development of contract guard service specifications. 

Supply Chain Security

We can develop processes to enhance the security of your supply chain and the transport of your cargo including proactive measures designed to resist unlawful acts designed to cause loss of cargo, proper cargo ingress and egress and storage documentation procedures.


We can perform comprehensive assessments of your compliance with all applicable regulations. We always strive to ensure our clients are aware of and adopt the necessary measures to comply with relevant regulations, contractual requirements and established organizational policies and procedures.

Point of Contact

We are members of national and regional security and cargo theft councils which provide access to a nationwide network of alerts and communication capabilities regarding regional physical security, cargo theft and recovery efforts. In addition, as a result of 57 years of law enforcement experience, we maintain numerous established points of contact in law enforcement and commerce nationwide. Through these contacts and relationships, the means exist to immediately inform law enforcement and regional councils to issue BOLO’s to other regional councils, law enforcement & cargo theft units nationwide.


We present blocks of instruction on physical and facility security, personnel and asset protection, supply chain security and compliance matters to employees and executives charged with the custody and transport of high value cargo. 


We are highly proficient in all aspects of litigation and legal case document review, presentation of factual evidence and sworn testimony in both civil and criminal matters in state and federal courts.